This is a series of amplifiers are based on the most high-ic power that I have ever known. Because the output is issued up to 1000 watts with the impedance RL 4Ohm. Current supply 120mA, and 30A output current. Minimum input voltage of about 30V and a maximum voltage up to 150V. This is an audio amplifier that I have come across use ICs that maximum voltage up to 150V and output power up to 1000W , the scheme below gan. Part List Resistor R1 = 10K R2 = 10K R3 = 220K R4 = 0.18R 5W R5 = 2.2R 2W R6 = 0.18R 5W Capacitor C1 = 1uF C2 = 1000uF C3 = 68pF C4 = 1000uF Inductor L1 = 4MH IC U1 = PA03